Modern Sanctuary Prescriptions

All Herbs are one single dose.
Only one dose to be taken in one day.


Addiction – Drug, Alcohol, Nicotine

A problem of desire – Solar plexus,   and willpower – Brow centre.
     Cleavers         day 1 and 4    
     Vervain            day 2 and 5
     Mugwort ,  If poor vitality.   

This is enough to see improvement within ten days. This will continue, giving the opportunity to treat underlying issues.                                       


The root of this (other than difficult circumstances) can be Brow, Heart, or Solar plexus centres. Two, or even all three may be involved.

 Valerian/Yew mix    day 1 and 3          All cases.                                                                         

 Solar plexus – Constant worry or obsessive thoughts :                                                       


Brow – Tight neck and shoulders, nightmares :

     Vervain     day 2 and 4

Arterial Circulation in the Legs

Includes ulcers, chilblains, some leg pains, some calf spasms.

Valerian      day 1 and 4
Comfrey      day 2 and 4             

After 10 days

Check for Heart conditions !

Arthritis – Rheumatoid

This is the result of adrenal insufficiency – the Sacral centre is depleted.

Initial treatment is

Sage,         day 1 and 4
Lady’s Mantle    women                              
Valerian/Yew mix                           Address  Diet !
Comfrey        day 2 and 5  

For  Distortion of joints                                                                     
Use  Comfrey Salve  every 4 days.

Arthritis – Osteo

Sage      day 1 and 4
Comfrey       day 2 and 5                                                                                                                                                                                                     Loosestrife


By this we mean wheezing or difficulty breathing in.  We are not including difficulties due to phlegm.  In nearly all cases, the sacral centre is depleted, resulting in deficiency of adrenal function – (hence the use of steroids).    

Sage,    day 1 and 3                                                                                                                                                                                                               Yew       day 2 and 5
 Marsh Mallow       day 4 and 6 

Occasionally, the brow centre causes constriction.  There will be tightness elsewhere in the body~

When there is phlegm, the solar plexus must be treated.
This is Bronchitis, often miscalled asthma.  See COPD below.

When there has been prolonged use of steroid inhalers: 

  Sage  Once a month.
Treatment will take several months, as the adrenal glands slowly regain function. With older, or weak patients, we may have to settle for only a partial reduction in steroids. But for most patients, non reliance is our goal.      

Once the patient feels noticeable benefit, we can omit one inhalation, every few days.  This can be reduced gradually to every other day, until it can be omitted.  There is no hurry !
Repeat this procedure for other inhaler doses.

Atherosclerosis.  High Cholesterol.

Unfortunately, this disease often remains undetected, until it causes stroke or cardiac arrest.  It is years in the making, and may be detected earlier from cholesterol levels in the blood, or other more recent methods.

By returning Cholesterol levels to normal we can prevent any further plaque formation.

Cleavers                      day 1 and 4
Valerian                       day 2 and 5

To reduce Plaque in the arteries.
Woundwort       10 days after above treatment.

This will be very effective in early detections, ranging to modest in critical cases. 
Cutting out Smoking, and Saturated Fat in diet is Essential !

Bowel Dysfunction

This includes Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, IBS, and any other condition except Cancer.  

  Yew              day 1 and 4                                          
Sage           day 2 and 5                                                                                                                                                                                                         Vervain      day 3 and 6
Lady’s Mantle     women                                                                                                                                                                                          Woundwort   

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Diverticulitis.     As above, but start with:

Burdock    day 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Bronchitis. Bronchiectasis. are caused by Solar Plexus centre deficiency.

Marsh Mallow  day 1 and 4
Cleavers              day 2 and 5
Mugwort             day 3  

Emphysema is caused by depletion of the Sacral centre.

Sage                       day 1 and 4
Marsh Mallow   day 2 and 5                                                                                                                                                                              Woundwort        day 3                                                                                                                                                                                        Mugwort       day 6                                                                                                                                                                  

There is no more treatment, but improvement can continue for several months.  As ever, expectations depend on age, severity etc.  In most cases there is marked improvement.


Includes grief and loneliness, which is the result of circumstances.  This can quickly  bring a degree of relief.  However, depression may well ensue. (Request document)



Vervain          2 doses, I week apart

Gum Diseases


Heart conditions

These can be complex, and should be left to specialists.  However,

Valerian/Yew mix
would be very helpful.  Repeat a single dose of the mix every month, if appropriate.

Hiatus Hernia

Yew          day 1 and 3                                                                                                                                                                                                            Cleavers  day 2


All pathogens are treated at the level of their organisation – Mind.  Their function is neutralized within 2 hours.

Burdock.  1 dose.       This is very bitter.  It is the only herb to which you can add honey or sugar.

A very effective treatment for Colds and Flu is
Mugwort   2 hours (minimum) later.

Low Back Disorders

Other than Trauma, all Chronic Low Back problems stem from the Sacral centre.

In many cases, this is all.  However, a sizable minority actually originate in the Heart centre, which then disrupts the Sacral.

Sage            day 1 and 4
Comfrey   day 2 and 5
Lady’s Mantle         Women

If you suspect the Heart is involved –  indicated by insomnia or anxiety.  This can sometimes have a profound effect, releasing  emotional tension, which has locked the vertebral muscles. Add

Valerian/Yew mix   2 days running

Arthritis  may be involved, and may only be confirmed by scan or x-ray.  Wait 2 weeks before using the relevant script.

Mental Health

Plant spirit medicine can have profound and speedy effect on many these conditions.  The subject is too lengthy to include here.  You can request a document, outlining our full treatment of these conditions.


Sage         day 1 and 4     


Vervain             day 1 and 4      
Valerian/Yew mix               


Cleavers,     day 1 and 4
Sage              day 2 and 5

There is no need for any more action for a further 2 weeks.  This condition is usually accompanied by a complex of low Confidence, Self Esteem Defeat etc.  It is counter productive to make demands on someone whilst in this state.  They have heard it all before.  (But if they are keen  to diet etc now, all well and good.)

After this time, there will nearly always be an improvement in mental outlook.  We are treating the cause, which is Confidence.  From this base, we can treat the Addiction element, present in most cases.  This is eating to gratify, and also being hooked on  the deliberately engineered comfort foods – loaded with fat, salt, and sugar  Aghh!

We also add Valerian to support the Heart, which will have been under strain for some time.

and Agrimony to emotionally move on.

By now, we can expect a steady weight loss and a gradual dissatisfaction with junk foods.  We can also expect a happier person, more in control of their life, with better energy.

The rate of improvement may be slow or rapid, depending on the personality and circumstances. Some are zealous, some are not, but it doesn’t matter.

We should beware of trying to impose our schedule upon them. 

We need to discuss or enable an Exercise routine and Dietary changes.  There is so much info around as to not go into it here.  But we must avoid extremism ourselves. Diet and exercise can be obsessive by nature, including in those who preach it!

Finally, there are always a few who do not respond to a given regime.  We must be aware that various serious conditions result in obesity, such as Endocrine disorders, and that other syndromes may well be concurrent.

Obsessive Behaviour

Vervain    day 1 and 4      

Osteoporosis and Paget’s Disease

These are different conditions, but the basic prescription is the same.  They can be arrested in most cases, and improved in many.  We can be hopeful of a good recovery in younger patients.

Sage,                day 1 and 4
Lady’s Mantle
Comfrey            day 2 and 5                                                                                                                                                                                                             Speedwell  –   add for Bone pain in Osteoporosis



Pain can be greatly reduced by this herb.  It prevents the nerve signal registering in the brain, beyond a near normal level.  This can make an enormous difference to a life beleaguered by pain. 

Pain tells us where there is a problem, which may be serious.  In this case, the sensation will always continue, to some extent.  It must be addressed by a comprehensive treatment.  Yew (inflammation) and Comfrey (structure) are particularly useful.


Chronic pain   1 dose
Acute pain       1 dose, 2 consecutive days.


         If pain, heavy, or irregular,

Lady’s  Mantle

        If stopped, or scanty

Cleavers     day 1 and 4

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

The nervous system ‘freezes’ and holds the trauma in its function.  This can be a general breakdown, or local, as in whiplash or any other spasm.

Vervain         day 1 and 4

Raynaud Syndrome (primary)

Yew/Valerian  mix   day 1 and 4
Sage                               day 1 and 4

Renal diseases

These are complex and treatment should be left to specialists.  However, it would be significantly enhanced by

Sage                         day 1 and 4
Tufted Vetch         day 2

Sexual Dysfunction

Unless caused by diabetes, or other serious condition or old age, this is usually due to the heart centre repressing the sacral centre.

Lady’s Mantle  (women)  
Sage         day 1 and 4         (men)      

This may well release emotional blockage, (especially in men !)  allowing the patient to move on.

Repeat   after two weeks.


Vervain          day 1 and 4
Herb Robert

If Catarrh
Cleavers.   Repeat after 1 week if necessary.


Any dysfunction , except cancer.
Cleavers          day 1 and 4

Valerian/Yew mix, if heart centre involved, eg   Anxiety or heat
Vervain if stiffness anywhere (common).

Hiatus Hernia.  See above.


               Hyper – Sacral centre is deficient.

Sage                           day 1 and 4
Lady’s Mantle          women                              
Marsh Mallow       day 2 and 5                                                                                                                                                                                          Mugwort                                    

              Hypo – Solar plexus is deficient.

Cleavers         day 1 and 4               
Marsh Mallow       day 2 and 5                                                                                                                                                                                          Mugwort


Cleavers                           day 1 and 4            
Marsh Mallow                day 2                                                                                                                                                                                    Loosestrife                     day 3

Urinary Tract 

For infection


For other conditions





      Tape 1 dose of herb over the wart for one hour.

For areas of many warts, you need only treat a few bigger ones.


This is the territory of serious accidents and warfare.  Historically, herbal medicine was the only option, and has a lot to offer.  Sooner or later we may have the opportunity to treat these, where conventional treatment is struggling.  A few spectacular recoveries will open doors !

Use either Woundwort or Selfheal. They are the herbs of choice.  There are many others of varying power, but these two are in their own class.  We can use them as a wash, salve, or dressing.  The effect of these herbs is to regenerate flesh and skin quickly, and of the right tissue.  This means little or no scar tissue.

1 dose by mouth,

Then for serious wounds:

                As a Salve

Prepare as for skin (below).  Smear on the outside of the first layer of dressing.


 As a Wash only, day 1 and 2.                                                                                                                                                                                                     Smear a few drops of Lavender essential oil on the dressing.

        Ligament, Cartilage and Bone damage

Comfrey by mouth
Comfrey salve.

When a break has set badly, or a joint is deformed, growth must be corrected, according to the ‘blueprint’ of the original.  Comfrey, applied as a salve can have a remarkable effect.  Once every 3 days..

 Skin diseases

A browse through old herbals will show how common all manner of eruptions and swellings etc were in past times.  We are now better fed and cleaner, and treatments have been lost, but skin conditions of any kind cause a lot of emotional stress.

         For Eczema, Psoriasis, or any Rash


Repeat  after 1 week.




Yew                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Marigold                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Betony                                                                                                                                                                                                                Woundwort                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

          For any Swelling, Mole, Cyst etc.    

Purple Loosestrife salve , every 2 days                                                                                                                                                                       Only treat if patient has already seen GP or specialist.  These occasionally are a precursor to Cancer.

         Birthmarks of any kind.                                      

Marigold /Comfrey salve, every 3 days
Comfrey by mouth after two years old.


Yew by mouth.

        Eruptions, i.e. any area of broken skin. 

These include Impetigo, Erysipelas, Cold Sores  
Burdock  by mouth, (except leg ulcers).
Marigold Salve, every 2 days.

 Leg ulcers.   

Woundwort dressing.  No salve.

       For any treatment on the feet, add


      For Aging skin.

Sage,           Once every 3 months
Cleavers                 ditto

Make separate oils of Woundwort and Marigold, then mix.    Leave out the wax.
Apply thinly once a fortnight.

To make Salve

Bring to a simmer 1 dose herb in 50- 100 mls Olive oil.
Turn off heat, and leave for 5 minutes.
Strain, and melt in a little beeswax while hot, or just use as an Oil.

** Never boil 2 herbs together.  Only mix afterwards.
Keep in fridge up to 18 months