This list is the current Modern Sanctuary framework of treatment, using plant spirits. Ultimately, this is an art, as well as a science. But here we give insight into each herb individually.
Centres | Syndromes | |
Agrimony Betony | ||
Bittersweet | ||
Vervain | Burdock | |
Marsh Mallow | Eyebright | |
Valerian | Fleabane | |
Yew | Forget me not | |
Cleavers | Honeysuckle (wild) | |
Sage | Marigold | |
Lady’s Mantle | Mugwort | |
Comfrey | Purple Loosestrife | |
Speedwell | ||
Violet | ||
White Campion Herb Robert Tansy |
The first eight herbs treat the seven Centres, at source. They are fundamental to most treatment, as they treat the Root cause.
This is the ultimate herb of the Brow centre. This centre regulates the Nervous System, and its effect on various organs and muscles. It is the means by which the body regulates the effects of spiritual change. It also enables the Crown centre, when the patient needs to move on.
We all undergo change throughout our lives – it is the meaning of life. We often resist this change, unwittingly or not. When this happens, the nervous system always tightens muscles to some degree. This is most common along the spine, and the trapezius, giving stiff neck and shoulders. Lumbar pain often originates here also.
The organ most readily affected is the colon. This can be instant, as in the case of diarrhoea following an upset. It is the cause of IBS and is involved in almost all bowel conditions to some degree. Results can be astonishing.
Stomach and heart can also be affected, in which case there will always be stiffness somewhere in the body.
It is a major factor in anxiety and depression, and often a factor in arthritis.
The brow centre is responsible for sinuses, ears and pituitary.
Finally, It is the basis of all treatment of the Brain, and thereby, diseases of the Nervous System, including Epilepsy, M.S., Trauma, and Degenerative conditions. for these, always together with Betony.
Marsh Mallow
This is indicated in all Lung and Thyroid problems. It needs to be used with Sage or Cleavers to achieve this.
Valerian empowers the heart centre, when under active. It is therefore important in anxiety, insomnia, and heart disease.
It is often difficult to assess whether to use Valerian, or Yew. So often, agitation has led to exhaustion, or weakness has led to agitation. It is best to use both.
Valerian is also indicated for blood disorders, and for arterial circulation.
It imparts a deep state of Peace, which has been recognised throughout time. It is a sound starting point for treating all chronic conditions.
Yew calms the heart centre, when over active. Therein lies much of the treatment of the heart itself. Over activity leads to Anxiety, Over Zealousness, Insomnia, and Heart disease.
Yew has a profound effect on this centre, resulting in peace and less wasted energy. In heart disease, it is usually used together with Valerian.
Peace is a state of mind and emotion to which we all strive, whether we realise it or not. We can use the Yew/Valerian Mix in any situation we feel it might help.
It is a wonderful Anti Inflammatory. Use the first two days of the overall treatment.
Cleavers cover the whole action of the Solar Plexus. This comprises the entire digestive system, including liver and pancreas. Also the breasts, venous, and lymphatic systems. This herb stimulates and corrects the entire function of this centre. This is fundamental to good health.
We must also use Cleavers in weight problems, including Eating Disorders, since it instils Confidence – the product of a healthy solar plexus.
Sage is an overall treatment for the Sacral centre. This centre is responsible for the urinogenital function, the adrenals, lumbar spine, and legs.
In addition, the adrenal output can compromise the lungs, heart or vitality.
It is essential in Arthritis and Asthma.
This wonderful herb therefore, underpins one of the central support systems of the body. It is indicated in any chronic condition that is not responding, or when a patient has lost hope.
It is central to treating a poor Immune system and poor Stamina. Also, to follow treatment of chronic infection.
However, by itself, it is sometimes not quite complete in its treatment for Women. For chronic or serious cases, it is usually necessary to also use Lady’s Mantle.
Lady’s Mantle
This herb treats deeper aspects of the sacral centre, in women. Use when Sage is indicated, in most cases.
The complete herb for the base centre.
All congenital defects are due to this function being compromised. These can be greatly helped by treating as young as possible, sometimes with salve. Always use with Vervain.
Comfrey will also correct Vertebral Alignment. This is invaluable in chronic pain and tension of lumbar, neck and any other areas of the spine.
The base centre also governs the bones, tendons, cartilage and ligaments, as well as the legs, feet, and hair. Healing of these structures is unsurpassed by any other means than Comfrey.
The following Herbs are specific for various Syndromes
This herb affects the emotional state as a whole, to let go of negativity. It is an important herb.
In times of stress, or after trauma, the emotional state can become dysfunctional to some degree. This may last for years. It is due to circumstances, rather than a problem in the centres.
This in turn leads to exhaustion, or disinterest in life, which resists regular treatment. Agrimony is very effective at releasing this rigid state.
This is the prime herb to treat the Nervous system and Brain. It is used in conjunction with Vervain.
For all bacterial and viral infection.
Parasites, such as worms.
Fungal – Athlete’s Foot or similar
This is a specific herb for all Arthritic conditions. These must also be treated with Sage. This herb will help improve or arrest all but the most advanced cases. We an be optimistic of a full recovery where there is limited deterioration.
A specific for all eye treatment, whether diseased or correcting the vision.
Specific for all Prostate treatment.
Forget me not
Specific to Middle and Inner Ear.
Chronic cases can lead to Exhaustion of the energy body as a whole. Even when we have used the prescribed herbs for the whole picture, there can be lingering tiredness and aching. Use in most such cases.
It can also be added to any Salve, to enhance the effect. This is especially important when a Salve is a major part of the treatment.
For all Skin Conditions.
Can be invaluable in cases of extreme pain. This can be from spasm, inflammation, or disruption due to spurs, growths, or internal injury.
It will reduce nerve pain signal greatly. It is therefore important to treat or monitor the cause.
White Campion
This herb empowers the whole emotional state. It can be considered wherever a patient has lost hope, or has a negative outlook.
It is a specific, and powerfully effective herb for Depression – used with Sage. But the full protocol of treating the various centres must be followed.
Also use for some other Mental syndromes.
This herb can change lives.
Woundwort is the ultimate herb to regenerate flesh and skin. It will regenerate most organ tissue to greater or lesser degree. It cannot regenerate the Liver or Heart.
Purple Loosestrife
For all Swellings, and where any Excess tissue has formed, eg Prostate, adhesions.
Herb Robert
A powerful astringent. It has a major impact on chronic Sinusitis, and Lymphoedema (for which it should be considered necessary).
Will also help Leucorrhoea.
Honeysuckle (Wild)
Specific for Veins – Phlebitis, Varicose. Use with Cleavers.
Specific for any treatment of Ovaries.
Specific for Alzheimer’s Disease, also some other conditions of the Brain.